This reference documents each type of Action available to be sent.

Event Callback Function


All send commands support an optional callback function that will be executed once the command is complete, successful or not.

The function can either be provided to an individual command as an argument, or it can be set as a Site's event_callback parameter, which will be used by every send command executed by the Site.

function(err, event_type, context, [payload]) { ... }

Callback Arguments

errStringThis argument will be null if the command was completed successfully. If the command encountered an error, this argument will contain a message describing the error.
event_typeStringThe type of action that was sent. Supported values include: 'agreed', 'disagreed', 'displayed', 'visited' and 'updated'.
contextSite, BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroupThe Site or Group object that initiated the send command.
payloadStringThis argument is only present when the Site's disable_sending property is set to true. It contains the URL-encoded payload that would have been sent to the Action API.

Event Types


Indicates that a signer has accepted a specific version of a contract.

Note: The signer_id must be set for this type.

send('agreed', contracts, versions, [group], [event_callback]);


contractsTrueArrayThe id of each contract included in the action.
versionsTrueArrayThe id of each version included in the action. Ordering matters, as each id will be paired with its corresponding position in the contracts array.
groupFalseNumberThe numeric id of the group containing the contracts.
event_callbackFalseFunctionA callback function to execute once the command is complete.


Indicates that a signer has disagreed to a previously accepted version of a contract.

Note: The signer_id must be set for this type.

send('disagreed', contracts, versions, [group], [event_callback]);


contractsTrueArrayThe id of each contract included in the action.
versionsTrueArrayThe id of each version included in the action. Ordering matters, as each id will be paired with its corresponding position in the contracts array.
groupFalseNumberThe numeric id of the group containing the contracts.
event_callbackFalseFunctionA callback function to execute once the command is complete.


Indicates that a specific version of a contract was displayed on the page.

Note: The signer_id is not required for this type.

send('displayed', contracts, versions, [group], [event_callback]);


contractsTrueArrayThe id of each contract included in the action.
versionsTrueArrayThe id of each version included in the action. Ordering matters, as each id will be paired with its corresponding position in the contracts array.
groupFalseNumberThe numeric id of the group containing the contracts.
event_callbackFalseFunctionA callback function to execute once the command is complete.


Indicates that a group's legal center was visited.

Note: The signer_id is not required for this type.

send('visited', [contracts], [versions], group, [event_callback]);


contractsFalseArrayThe id of each contract included in the action.
versionsFalseArrayThe id of each version included in the action. Ordering matters, as each id will be paired with its corresponding position in the contracts array.
groupTrueNumberThe numeric id of the group containing the contracts.
event_callbackFalseFunctionA callback function to execute once the command is complete.


Saves additional name and value pairs to the signer's record.

Note: The signer_id and custom_data must be set for this type.

send('updated', parameters);


parametersConditionalObjectAn object containing name and value pairs to send with the action. If the custom_data parameter hasn't already been set at the Site level, it should be passed as a property of the parameters argument.