Ironclad Clickwrap Terminology
Within Ironclad Clickwrap, there is a set of data structures to consider when interacting with the API that will help you formulate the ideal integration:
Templates / Contract
- A contract managed within Ironclad Clickwrap
- Can have many versions that are drafted and published
- Has both a latest_version and a published_version (if a version has been published)
Contract Version
- An instance of a template that is created as a draft, published, and timestamped by its publish or effective date
- Acceptances will be tied to a specific contract version and template
Clickwraps / Clickwrap Groups
- "Container" for your contracts where you can manage visual and overall settings
- Can contain one or more contracts to present to an individual for review and acceptance
- Screenshot of a webpage or application where a Clickwrap Group is embedded, that represents what a user was presented at time of acceptance.
- Can be captured manually or on an automated frequency
Snapshot Location
- A specific container of snapshots that corresponds to the webpage or application where a Snapshot is taken
- Snapshot Location types include:
- Desktop Web Browser
- Mobile Web Browser
- Native App
Legal Centers
- A public web page to publicly host and display your legal Contracts. It maintains a version history of the Contracts that you've published and made available.
- Any person or organization identified by any unique identifier (Signer ID) to your company that is accepting documents
- Can accept contracts via clickwrap through a series of events we call Activity .
- An event that’s logged for a Signer against a given Contract Version and, optionally, a Group.
- Common types of events include:
- Visited - An individual views a template in the Legal Center
- Displayed - An individual viewed the full text of the clickwrap contract (usually by clicking on the link in the clickwrap)
- Agreed - A specific
agreed to a clickwrap contract(s) - Disagreed (optional) - A specific
disagreed to a clickwrap contract(s).
- An instance within your Account that holds Templates, Clickwrap Groups, etc.
- Sites can be configured as a Sandbox site or a Production site.
- All Signers, Contracts, and Activities live within a Site, which a Site lives within an Account
- An Account can have many Sites which act as a sub-tenant within your environment. One Site is your default, which controls how a Contract can be shared across an Account.
Updated over 1 year ago