Sending Acceptance via Activity API

Sending Acceptance via the Activity API

Query Parameter Definitions

The following are definitions for various query parameters seen in the example API calls below:

  • sid - Site Access ID. An ID that’s unique for each Site within your account. Information on finding your sid can be found in the Authentication section.
  • sig - Signer ID. The unique identifier used to save your signer’s signature. Can be email, mobile number, UUID, or any integer. Should be URL encoded.
  • gid - Group ID. The ID of the Group associated with the acceptance event.
  • cid - Contract IDs. A set of comma-separated values to specify which contracts a signer is accepting or confirming acceptance of.
  • vid - Version IDs. Note NOT an integer, this is a UUID string found in the version details of a contract. A set of comma-separated values to specify which versions of which contracts a signer is accepting. Comma-separated values must correspond to Contract ID values.
  • et - Event Type. The type of event being logged. Default values are displayed, updated, agreed, visited, sent, and disagreed.
  • slo - Snapshot Location. The location key for the Snapshot Location that should be linked to this acceptance.
  • server_side - Server-side Sending. When sending Acceptance to the Activity API server-side, we recommend setting this to true so that it returns a JSON response rather than a 1x1 pixel image.


Required Parameters

Please ensure your /send calls are always at a minimum sending the sid, sig, vid, and et parameters.

Additional details that we typically capture by default and outlined as recommended can be found on our Possible URL Parameters to Track page.

Example: Send Acceptance of Two Contracts for a Signer

Send a signer acceptance event for one or more contracts using the Send Agreed API call. This call allows you to send an event for one or more contracts for a signer with the option to include a Group ID gid for relation to a specific group.


Example Only Code

Please note that the example code is only for demonstration purposes and may not work in all environments.

  * For example purposes only.
  * Uses the Fetch API, which is not compatible with all browsers.
  * Learn more here:

// Example: Send as URL Params
  .then(response => console.log(response.status)) // should return 200
  .catch(err => console.log(err));

// Example: Send within Request Body
const acceptanceBody = {
  sid: "my-site-access-id",
  sig: "myUrlEncodedSignerId",
  vid: "versionIdOne,versionIdTwo",
  et: "agreed",
  tm: true,
  server_side: true

fetch("", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
  body: JSON.stringify(acceptanceBody),
  .then((response) => {
    console.log(response.status); // Should return 200
  .catch((err) => {
    // Handle errors