Site Object

This reference documents the properties and methods available on the Site object.


Site.parameters ParameterStore

A DataObject used by a Site to store its properties, parameters, and various data gathered about the browsing session. The values stored in parameters are appended to the payload of every request sent to the Action API, where they're saved as metadata on the action.

Site.groups GroupStore

An object used internally by a Site to store and reference all of the Group objects loaded within that Site. The GroupStore maintains which Groups have been loaded, which have been initialized, and any configuration options passed to the load command.

Site.tasks TaskStore

A chain of functions that every send and retrieve command is passed through in order to validate, build and send a request to the Action API. Each of the tasks is described in the table below.

Note: If a validation task fails, the command will be aborted and a 'ps:error' DOM event will be triggered, identifying which function failed.


1optOutTaskTrueValidates that the visitor has not opted-out of tracking.
2previewTaskTrueValidates that the browser is not in a preview or preload state.
3checkProtocolTaskTrueValidates that the protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS.
4requiredParametersTaskTrueValidates that all required parameters are present. The access_id parameter is always required, and signer_id is required for all actions except 'visited' and 'displayed'.
5checkStorageTaskTrueValidates that a uuid for the signer has been stored in a first-party cookie.
6rateLimitTaskTrueEnforces a limit of 1,000 requests per session, and throttles excessive request rate.
7buildActionTaskFalseForms a singe URL-encoded string for the request payload by combining all of the Site's parameters with any override values that were passed into the send command. Parameter names are substituted with their shortened code to save bytes.
8sendActionTaskFalseSends the payload generated by the buildActionTask to the Action API. Browser compatibility and the length of the payload will determine the transport type of the request: 'beacon', 'image' or 'xhr'.



Returns the value of a parameter or property stored on the Site.



parameterTrueStringThe name of the parameter to return.


String, Number, Boolean, Object, etc.The value of the parameter or property, or undefined if the parameter isn't set.


// Returns the "name" property.
var val = site.get('name');  // 's0'
// Returns the "signer_id" parameter.
var val = site.get('signer_id');  // '[email protected]'
// Returns undefined if the parameter hasn't been set.
var val = site.get('event_callback');  // undefined


Sets the value of one or more parameters on the Site. Accepts either a single parameter name and value, or an object of multiple parameter name and value pairs to set.

Note: This method only applies to parameters. All properties must be set when the Site object is created.

site.set(parameter, value);


Option 1parameterTrueStringThe name of the parameter to set.
valueTrueString, Number, Object, Function, etc.The value of the parameter to set.
Option 2parametersTrueObjectAn object containing one or more parameter name and value pairs to set.


No Return Value


// Sets the "signer_id" parameter.
site.set('signer_id', '[email protected]');
// Unsets the "signer_id" parameter.
site.set('signer_id', null);
// Sets the "event_callback" parameter.
site.set('event_callback', function(err) {
  if (err) console.error(err);
// Sets multiple parameters at once.
site.set({ localized: true, signer_id: '[email protected]', event_callback: submitForm });
// Cannot update Site properties such as "name".
site.get('name');  // 'p0'
site.set('name', 'pactsafe');
site.get('name');  // 'p0'


Returns a Group object by key.

Note: Because Groups are loaded asynchronously, this method should only be used when you are certain the Group has already been loaded and initialized. For example, within the handler of an 'initialized' event, or the callback of a load command.



keyTrueStringThe key of the Group to return.


BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroupThe initialized Group object.


// Returns a Group with the key "login-contracts".
var group = site.getByKey('login-contracts');
// Loads a Group with the key "login-contracts".
// Waits to assign the Group to a local variable until it's actually
// needed for form validation within the "click" event handler.
$('#submit-login').on('click', function(evt) {
  var group = site.getByKey('login-contracts');
  if (group && group.block()) {
    return false;
// Waits for an "initialized" event on the Document object
// before assigning the Group to a variable.
var group;
$(document).on('initialized', function(evt) {
  group = site.getByKey('login-contracts');
// Uses the command queue to load a Group.
_ps('load', 'login-contracts');

Mistakes to Avoid

// Loads the Group and immediately assigns it to a local variable.
// The async "load" command hasn't finished, so "group" is undefined.
_ps('load', 'login-contracts');
var group = site.getByKey('login-contracts');  // undefined


Returns all of the Group objects that have been loaded by the Site.



No Arguments


ArrayAn array containing all of the initialized Group objects.


// Returns all Groups that have been loaded and initialized.
var groups = site.getAllGroups();


Tracks an action by sending a request to the Action API.

Note: Any parameter values passed into the send method are treated as temporary overrides. They apply only to the current action and leave the Site's existing parameters unchanged.

site.send(event_type, [param1, param2, ..., paramN]);
site.send(event_type, [parameters]);


event_typeTrueStringThe type of the action being sent. Supported values include: 'agreed', 'disagreed', 'displayed', 'visited' and 'updated'.
Option 1param1, param2, ..., paramNConditionalAnyParameter values that can be supplied as in-line arguments for convenience. The parameter that corresponds to each argument position varies based on the event_type of the send.
Option 2parametersConditionalObjectA single object containing parameter name and value pairs to use for this send only.


No Return Value


// Sends an "agreed" action with in-line parameters
// for "contracts", "versions" and "group".
site.send('agreed', [ 10, 14 ], [ '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef447', '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef450' ], 33);
// Sends an "agreed" action with a parameters object.
site.send('agreed', {
  contracts: [ 10, 14 ],
  versions: [ '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef447', '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef450' ],
  group: 33
// Sends an "updated" action.
site.send('updated', {
  signer_id: '[email protected]',
  custom_data: { first_name: 'John', gender: 'male' }


Retrieves the signer's latest acceptance data from the Action API.

Note: This method requires that the Site's signer_id parameter is set.

site.retrieve(contracts, [event_callback]);


contractsTrueArrayAn array of contract ids to query for the signer.
event_callbackFalseFunctionA callback function to execute once the request is complete. The function receives four arguments: err, responseJSON, xhr and context.


No Return Value


// Sets the "signer_id" to "[email protected]".
site.set('signer_id', '[email protected]');
// Retrieves the latest version of contracts
// 10 and 14 that the signer has accepted.
site.retrieve([ 10, 14 ], function(err, data, xhr, site) {
  if (err) console.error(err);
  else console.log(data);  // { '10': '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef447', '14': '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef448' }


Registers a Group object on the Site, and inserts a new <script> element on the page to load the Group's published group.js file. The group.js file contains the Group's configuration, HTML content, and initialize command.

Note: The Group object will not be available until its group.js file finishes loading and the initialize command has been executed. Since this occurs asynchronously, any code that needs to reference the Group should be contained in a callback function.

site.load(key, [selector], [event_callback]);
site.load(key, [options], [event_callback]);
site.load(key, [event_callback]);


keyTrueStringThe key of the Group to load.
Option 1selectorFalseStringThe id attribute of an HTML element where the Group's content will be injected.
Option 2optionsFalseObjectConfiguration options and parameters to set on the Group object. These will override options contained in the group.js file.
event_callbackFalseFunctionA callback function to execute once the Group has been loaded and initialized. The function receives two arguments: err and group.


No Return Value


// Loads a Group with the key "login-contracts".
// Loads a Group with the key "login-contracts"
// and provides the selector "container".
site.load('login-contracts', 'container');
// Loads a Group with additional configuration options
// and an event_callback function.
site.load('login-contracts', { selector: 'container', allow_disagreed: true }, function(err, group) {
  if (err) console.error(err);
  else console.log('Group ' + group.get('key') + ' initialized.');
// Loads a Group with an event_callback function,
// but no selector or options argument.
site.load('login-contracts', function(err, group) {
  if (err) console.error(err);
  else console.log('Group ' + group.get('key') + ' initialized.');
// Loads a Group using the command queue,
// and provides an event_callback function.
_ps('load', 'login-contracts', 'container', function(err, group) {
  if (err) console.error(err);
  else console.log('Group ' + group.get('key') + ' initialized.');


Creates a new instance of a BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroup from a configuration object.

Note: This command is already included at the bottom of every group.js file, and should rarely need to be called manually.

site.initialize(key, type, options);


keyTrueStringThe key of the Group to initialize.
typeTrueStringThe type of Group object to initialize, 'group' or 'badge'.
optionsTrueObjectThe configuration options and parameters to set on the Group object.


No Return Value


// Initializes a BrowsewrapGroup with the key "legal-badge".
site.initialize('legal-badge', 'badge', {
  key: 'ps-app-browsewrap',
  type: 'badge',
  group: 32,
  contracts: [ 10, 14 ],
  versions: [ '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef447', '5589bf606e7b9c1b1deef450' ],
  target_selector: 'footer-legal-terms',
  style: 'floating',
  position: 'left',
  class_name: 'ps-browsewrap-badge',
  stylesheet: '<style scoped> { ... }</style>',
  legal_center_url: '',
  open_legal_center: true,
  always_visible: false,
  badge_text: 'Legal Terms'


Invokes the render() method on every Group that has been loaded by the Site.



forceFalseBooleanIf true, previously rendered Groups will be forced to re-render. By default, they will be skipped.


No Return Value


// Renders any Group that hasn't been rendered yet.
// Renders any Group that hasn't been rendered yet, and
// re-renders Groups that have already been rendered.