Android SDK

Android SDK

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  • Android Min SDK 22
  • PactSafe Published Contracts in Public Group
  • PactSafe Group Key
  • PactSafe Site Access ID
  • PactSafe API Access

Notes Before Getting Started

Both the SDK and Demo app are written in Kotlin

Demo Android App

As you follow along in this guide, you may want to look at the PactSafe Android Demo App as an example.


First, aurthorize your app to use GitHub Packages: GitHub Packages Authorization

Add the following dependency to your gradle file.


Configure and Initalize the PactSafe SDK

It is recommended that you initialize the sdk in onCreate in your MainApplication class. Your call might look something like this:

            "Site Access ID",
            "Group Key",
            debug = true,
            testData = true

Preloading Clickwrap Data

Since your PSClickWrapActivity class will load contracts for the specified PactSafe group, you may want to preload the data using your group key before displaying the clickwrap. By preloading, a user will be less likely see loading when they get to the screen that contains the PSClickWrapActivity.

To preload your PactSafe group data, you can use the preload method on the PSApp object within your MainApplication. Example below:


This will fetch group data and cache it for later use.

Note: The debug and testData flags are defaulted to false.

Debug Mode

Setting the debug flag to true will display additional information in your console.

Test Mode

Optionally, set testMode to true as you are testing your implementation. This allows you to delete test data in your PactSafe site.

Note: Don't forget to turn testMode off before you are finished!

Data Types

Before you start to implement, you may want to become familiar with a few data types used by the Android SDK.

PSSignerIDPSSignerID is a typealias for a String.
PSSignerPSSigner is an object that you'll use to send over your signer information. You must include a signerId, which is a PSSignerID or String that holds your unique signer ID that PactSafe holds. You can optionally pass over additional custom data with a PSCustomData object, which is covered below.
PSCustomDataPSCustomData holds additional information about your signer and can be customized. Please see the properties that are available to be set in the Customizing Acceptance Data section.
PSGroupPSGroup is an object that holds information about a speciifc group (uses PactSafe group key) that is loaded from the PactSafe API.
PSContractPSContract is an object that holds information about contracts within a PactSafe PSGroup.
PSConnectionDataThe PSConnectionData object Customizing Acceptance Data section.


The easiest way of getting started with using the PactSafe clickwrap is by utilizing PSClickWrapActivity class to dynamically load your contracts into a Layout. The PSClickWrapActivity class extends AppCompatActivity, which allows you to easily customize and format the clickwrap as needed.

class YourActivity: PSClickWrapActivity() {}

Starting a Clickwrap activity

There are three types of clickwraps available from the SDK:

  1. Checkbox Acceptance
  2. Alert Modal Acceptance
  3. Checkbox Within Existing View

PSClickWrapActivity provides and easy way to create either of the first two.
PSClickWrapActivity.create() accepts, along with Context and Class<T>, ClickWrapType. Choose from CHECKBOX or ALERT.

You may start an activity like so:


Interacting with Your Clickwrap

PSClickWrapActivity requires implementation of the following methods:

override fun onPreLoaded(psGroup: PSGroup) {}

override fun onContractLinkClicked(title: String, url: String) {}

override fun onAcceptanceComplete(checked: Boolean) {}

override fun onSendAgreedComplete(downloadUrl: String) {}

override fun onSignedStatusFetched(status: Map<String, Boolean>) {}

Configure Contracts Link Tap Behavior

In the third case, you may be uilding an acceptance view for your users to create a user, for instance, you can utilalize PSCheckBoxView in your layout as so:


If you wish the contract links to use your OS's native browser when tapped, just set the useOSBrowser attribute to true. It defaults to false.

When using the CHECKBOX Clickwrap, you can set this preference directly on the Activity by calling the setUsesOSBrowser(Boolean) function.

If you use the default link tap setting, you will be handed a url in the onContractLinkClicked function. Your implementation may look someting like:

override fun onContractLinkClicked(title: String, url: String) {
        loadWebView(title, url)

Check if Checkbox is Selected

When your users tick the checkbox, you will be alerted via the onAcceptanceComplete function. Here you might enable a submit button or something similar so that you can send acceptance assured that the box has been ticked.

override fun onAcceptanceComplete(checked: Boolean) {
        btn_login.isEnabled = checked

Sending Acceptance

If you're using the PSCheckBoxView directly in your PS create a PSSigner object and include any custom data you wish. When you're ready, invoke the sendAgreed method available on the Activity. It will require a PSSigner object and an EventType

btn_signup.setOnClickListener {

            it.isEnabled = false

            val signer = PSSigner(
                PSCustomData(edit_first_name.text.toString(), edit_last_name.text.toString())

            sendAgreed(signer, EventType.AGREED)

Once the acceptance has been submitted successfully, you will be notified via onSendAgreedComplete.

override fun onSendAgreedComplete(downloadUrl: String) {

Checking Acceptance

Receive Notice of Acceptance

In order to determine if a user has accepted all of the latest contract language, you may invoke the fetchSignedStatus method on the Activity. This will return a Map<String, Boolean> called status for any contracts that need accepted. You'll need to see if there any in the list that require attention. If so, you must create a PSSigner object using the username and pass it to showTermsIntercept on the Activity. An easy way to do so is:

override fun onSignedStatusFetched(status: Map<String, Boolean>) {

        val updateSignedStatus = status.values.any { !it }

        val signer = PSSigner(edit_username.text.toString())

        if (updateSignedStatus) {
            showTermsIntercept(ALERT_TYPE, status, signer)
        } else {

Note: ALERT_TYPE is set onCreate for the parent activity and may be accessed here. Depending on the type of activity you've created, it will indicate to PSClickWrapActivity how to behave.

Sending Activity Manually

In the occurence that you would need to send an Activity Manually, you may simply invoke PSApp.sendActivity directly. This call will return a Single<Boolean> observable. If you don't already, in this case, you will need to implement RXJava/RxAndroid

Customizing Acceptance Data

Connection Data

Below, you'll find information on what to expect the SDK to send over as part of the activity event as "Connection Data", which is viewable within a PactSafe activity record. Many of the properties are set upon initialization except the optional properties (marked as optional below) using the following Apple APIs: UIDevice, Locale, and TimeZone. If you need further information about these properties, please reach out to us directly.

clientLibraryThe client library name being used that is sent as part of the activity.No
clientVersionThe client library version being used that is sent as part of the activity.No
deviceFingerprintThe unique identifier that is unique and usable to this device.No
environmentThe mobile device category being used (e.g,. tablet or mobile).No
operatingSystemThe operating system and version of the device.No
screenResolutionThe screen resolution of the device.No
browserLocaleThe current locale identifier of the device.Yes
browserTimezoneThe current time zone identifier of the device.Yes
pageDomain (Optional)The domain of the page being viewed. Note: This is normally for web pages but is available to be populated if needed.Yes
pagePath (Optional)The path of the page being viewed. Note: This is normally for web pages but is available to be populated if needed.Yes
pageQuery (Optional)The query path on the page being viewed. Note: This is normally for web pages but is available to be populated if needed.Yes
pageTitle (Optional)The title of the page being viewed. Note: This is normally for web pages but is available to be populated if you'd like to use the title of the screen where the PactSafe activity is occurring.Yes
pageUrl (Optional)The URL of the page being viewed. Note: This is normally for web pages but is available to be populated if needed.Yes
referrer (Optional)The referred of the page being viewed. Note: This is normally for web pages but is avaialble to be populated if needed.Yes

Custom Data

Custom Data will typically house additional information that you'd like to pass over that will be appended to the activty event. By adding Custom Data to the event, you'll be able to search and filter based on specific custom data within the PactSafe app, which can be beneficial when you have many activity events.

Before sending an activity event, you may want to customize properties on PSCustomData that can be set. Be sure to note that properties such as firstName, lastName, companyName, and title that are properties on PSCustomData are reserved for PactSafe usage only (like seeing the name of an individual within the PactSafe app).

androidDeviceNameThe name of the user's Android device (e.g., John Doe's Pixel XL).No
firstNameFirst Name is a reserved property for custom data in PactSafe but can be set.Yes
lastNameLast Name is a reserved property for custom data in PactSafe but can be set.Yes
companyNameCompany Name is a reserved property for custom data in PactSafe but can be set.Yes
titleTitle is a reserved property for custom data in PactSafe but can be set.Yes