Get Acceptance Record Download URL


After your Signer accepts your agreements, you may want to provide them with a link to a copy of the agreement. This can be helpful for allowing the user to immediately review the signed copy or for when your workflow is customized.


To get started, you'll need to have the following:

Retrieving the URL

The most simple way of retrieving the URL is by listening for when the download_url parameter has been set from the JavaScript library.


There are two things to consider when using this method.

  1. This parameter may be set more than once. For example, the parameter may be set once the signer_id has been set on the group. Once acceptance has been sent (you can monitor via the valid event), the URL provided should allow direct access to the completed agreement.
  2. When manually sending acceptance using the JavaScript Library, you may be better off utilizing the .get('download_url') method on the Site object once you know acceptance has been sent.

Example Code


Example Only Code

Please note that the example code is for demonstration purposes only. Your implementation will most likely be different than what is shown here.

// Within your Ironclad Clickwrap related code, add a listener for the parameter being set
_ps.on('set:download_url', function(downloadUrl, siteContext) {
  console.log('My download URL: ' + downloadUrl);

Full Example Code


Example Only Code

Please note that the example code is for demonstration purposes only. Your implementation will most likely be different than what is shown here.

var siteId = '790d7014-9806-4acc-8b8a-30c4987f3a95';

// The Ironclad Clickwrap Group key for a published group.
var groupKey = 'example-web-group';

// The element's ID where we want the clickwrap to show.
var clickwrapElementid = 'contracts-container';

// The input field's ID that will be used to pass as the signer id.
var signerIdElementId = 'formEmailAddress';

// Create the Ironclad Clickwrap site.
_ps('create', siteId, {
  test_mode: true, // Allows you to clear test data from Ironclad Clickwrap.

// Optionally, turn on debugging.
_ps.debug = false;

  * Load the Ironclad Clickwrap group with the specific Group Key
  * and any additional options.
_ps('load', groupKey, {
  container_selector: clickwrapElementid,
  display_all: true,
  signer_id_selector: signerIdElementId

// As we're developing, we want to know if there's an alert!
_ps.on('error', function(message, event_type, context) {

// The download URL value is the first parameter within the callback
_ps.on('set:download_url', function(downloadUrl, siteContext) {
  console.log('My download URL: ' + downloadUrl);

// Triggered once the contracts have been accepted.
_ps.on('valid', function(params, groupContext) {
  // Enable submit button once contracts have been accepted
  var submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton');
  if (submitButton) submitButton.disabled = false;