Sending Contracts 101

What you need to get started

You only need a few things to get started sending Contracts via the REST API:

  1. A PactSafe account with REST API access. Looking to test first? Request a developer account here.
  2. You'll need to create an API key in your PactSafe profile here. All REST API calls require authentication.
  3. You'll need to create & publish a Contract in PactSafe and get the ID (it's the integer in the URL). Learn more on that here.. This ID will be used in the request body to specify which Contract Templates should be sent.
  4. You'll need your Site ID (the integer value, located in your Site Settings) for the initial request URL.

Typical Flow to Sending Contracts

There are 3 steps required for sending Contracts:

  1. Contract Created and Published
  2. Create a Request
  3. Send a Request


What's a "Request"?

A Request encompasses the entire experience of sending contracts to a Signer, including but not limited to: who receives the contracts, where they are sent, and which contracts get sent.

Create a Request

To create a request, you'll do a POST to with a JSON request body, similar to the following:

  "name": "My Request Name!",
  "contracts": [1],
  "signers": [
      "signer_id": "",
      "signer": {
        "email": "",
        "mobile_number": "317-123-1234",
        "additional_attributes": {
          "first_name": "Test",
          "last_name": "Test"
      "send_to": {
        "email": true, // true if you want them to receive by email
        "mobile_number": true // true if you want them to also receive an sms asking for acceptance

Once you have done the POST, you will receive back a response body containing the full request, including other default properties as part of a typical Request. You'll want to retrieve the id of the response body to move onto the next step....sending!

Send a Request

To send a request, it's as simple as doing a POST to


Contracts Must be Published (i.e. not a draft)

Please make sure that the contracts you plan on sending are published prior to creating the Request.